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Preschool Prep Series 寶寶學前準備 系列 第六篇 Meet the Sight Words II 常用單詞篇II

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Preschool Prep Series 寶寶學前準備 系列 第六篇 Meet the Sight Words II 常用單詞篇II
Preschool Prep Series 寶寶學前準備 系列 第六篇 Meet the Sight Words II 常用單詞篇II 英語發音 英文單字導讀歡唱學習互動教學版(DVD版)(幼教)(適用任何家用DVD播放機)



片名:Preschool Prep Series 寶寶學前準備系列 第六篇 Meet the Sight Words II 常用單詞篇II
英語發音 英文單字導讀歡唱學習互動教學版(DVD版)(幼教)(適用任何家用DVD播放機超清晰畫面超長超值享受)

2010.12.20 全新〞光榮 〞上市 XYZCD Studio(,


Dr. Toy's 10 Best Educational Products for 2005 Award

Dr. Toy's 100 Best Children's Products for 2005 Award

Film Advisory Board's Award of Excellence

Creative Child Magazine's 2005 Preferred Choice Award

Dove Foundation Family Approval of "5 dove rating" (out of 5)

IParenting Media Award

The Best Baby Toys Of 2005 -

Top 7 Baby and Toddler Alphabet Learning Videos -

Preschool Prep Company

was formed to research and develop tools that would help educate children

in their early years. One two-month study and thousands of hours of

research and development later, Preschool Prep Company? brings to the

market a line of products that help young children master letters, numbers,

shapes and colors before they are even able to speak.

The company is dedicated to helping children develop a strong foundation with

which to learn how to read. Preschool Prep Series? products provide a set

of vital tools for children to use when they are ready. All products are

designed to teach toddlers and babies during an opportune window of time when

they are learning to talk.

You will be amazed at what your little one can learn!?


Meet the Letters

Meet the Numbers

Meet the Shapes

Meet the Colors

Meet the Sight Words

Meet the Sight Words 1

Meet the Sight Words 2

Meet the Sight Words 3

Meet the Letters(認識字母篇)


,這些孩子在每天看了此DVD後,90 %以上都完成了大小寫字母的認知。很多孩子在不

到兩個星期就完全掌握這些技能!最令人印象深刻的是,將近70 %的孩子不到兩歲就掌

握了26個字母。 孩子的學習能力讓你吃驚!


A woman in my mom's group told me that her 18 month daughter learned all of

her letters by watching Meet the Letters for 2 weeks. I decided to give it

a try with my 20 month old son. I bought all three Preschool Prep Series

DVDs; Meet the Letters, Meet the Numbers and Meet the Shapes. Not only did my

son love them but in less than 3 weeks he had mastered upper- and lower-

case letters, numbers 1-10 and 8 shapes. He learned more from 3 weeks

watching these DVDs than many kids learn in 3 years of preschool. I tell

everyone about these amazing videos. He also loves the Lift the Flap books in

the car and has become obsessed with naming letters everywhere we go. I

couldn't be more pleased with this series.

媽媽組的一個人對我說,她18個月的女兒看Meet the Letters兩周內就學會了字母。我

決定讓20個月大的兒子也試一試。我買了Preschool Prep系列所有三盤DVD Meet the

Letters, Meet the Numbers and Meet the Shapes。我兒子不僅愛看,他在不到3個星




My 3 year old son had no interest in learning his letters, all he wanted to

do was play with trucks. We tried books, puzzles and every DVD on the

market claiming to teach the alphabet. Then, I introduced him to this Meet

the Letters. He was immediatley drawn to it and in less than two weeks, he

learned all his letters, upper and lowercase! Even my 4 month old baby enjoys

watching this video!


字母的DVD。我給他看了Meet the Letters DVD。他一下子就被吸引住了。在不到兩個星


I got this video for my 2 year old daughter. She could sing the alphabet song

but could not identify most letters. I think she watched this video 4-5 times

and can now identify every letter in the alphabet. I was shocked!!!! She

would ask to watch "letters" over and over. I cannot rave about this

product enough. We also got "Meet the Numbers" and I have seen the same

thing. She gets excited to see numbers everywhere we go and wants to tell

me which number is which. Its so exciting to see her learn and enjoy it.

If you are going to put a movie on for your kids to watch--they might as well

learn something. I would highly recommend this series of videos!!!



崇這個產品。我們還買了Meet the Numbers (認識數字)。效果是同樣的。無論我們走




Meet the Numbers(認識數字篇)




I got this video for my 2 year old daughter. I cannot rave about this product

enough. My daughter watched this video a few times and can now identify the

numbers 0-10. She gets excited to see numbers everywhere we go and wants to

tell me which number is which. It's so exciting to see her learn and enjoy

it. We also got "Meet the Letters"... I would recommend that one too!


以識別數字0-10 。無論我們走到哪裏,她都很興奮地指給我們看哪個數字是哪個。看到

她的這麼愛學習,真讓人開心。我們也買了Meet the Letters. 我也同樣推薦。

Learning shapes has never been so much fun!

Children will fall in love with these wonderful characters as they "Meet

the Shapes." This video was developed do to the overwhelming success of

Meet the Letters. Children who watch Meet the Shapes can easily learn to

identify and name eight common shapes in just a few days. Meet the Shapes

is designed to teach shapes to babies and toddlers while they are learning to

talk. You will be amazed at how easily your little ones can learn their


Featuring: Circle, Diamond, Octagon, Oval, Rectangle, Square, Star and


* Dr. Toy's 10 Best Educational Products Award

* Creative Child Magazine's 2006 DVD of the Year Award

* Film Advisory Board Award of Excellence

* IParenting Media Award Winner

"Meet the Shapes? is delightful! A magnificent video that is sure to

entertain every baby and toddler while giving a lesson in shapes that they

will never forget."

—Film Advisory Board

Meet the Sight Words

Meet the Sight Words 1

Bonus Features

Select 'special case' "" or traditional ""

Short lesson selection for classroom use

Video flashcards


of, play, it, he, you, in, I , to, have, and,

a, said, is, the, for & that

Learning sight words has never been this easy!

Many words don't follow basic decoding rules and are taught in pre-k and

kindergarten classrooms as "sight words", "instant words", "high frequency

words" or "star words." A new reader finds sight words very frustrating until

they are memorized. A good reader will be able to instantly recognize "

sight words" without having to 'figure them out'. Preschool Prep Company

makes learning sight words fun and easy. Now children can master "sight

words" with the same rapid speed that they learned letters, numbers, shapes

and colors. Meet the Sight Words is used in schools across the country.


of, play, it, he, you, in, I , to, have, and, a, said, is, the, for & that

Children can easily make a

transition from...

a memorable character to printed text.


I never would have thought about introducing sight words to my son at such

a young age, but he learned letters, numbers, shapes and colors with such

rapid speed (from the other DVDs in the Preschool Prep Series), that I had to

give this one a try. It took about 5 viewings before he was pointing at sight

words over my shoulder as I was reading magazines and newspapers. I was not

surprised. This video uses the same formula that worked magic in the other

Preschool Prep Series DVDs. I just purchased a copy for his preschool teacher

and she is now showing it to the class for 10 minutes each day. I can't

say enough about these great products!


形狀和顏色(從Preschool Prep系列其他DVD學到的) ,我必須得試試。看了這個碟片

5次後, 他就在我讀雜誌和報紙時指出他認識的常用字。我並不感到驚訝。這部影片和



My 6-year old son loves this engaging DVD. He has problems just sitting

down and doing school work, but this DVD catches and holds his attention.

After just a few viewings of this DVD, he has memorized quite a few of the

words. I am trying to get him to learn them before he starts first grade so

he won't need so much extra tutoring. It's heartwarming to see his pride

and gratification when he gets a word correct. I can see the sense of

accomplishment, his confidence growing and that is priceless! He's learning

to READ and it is exciting to him!

我6歲的兒子喜歡這盤DVD 。他不願意坐下來做功課。但這張DVD能夠吸引他的註意力。





Meet the Sight Words" will become a staple in kindergarten classes


—Teacher Testimonial

Sight words 就是兒童閱讀初級的常用字,共有220個字,是由美國學者E.W.Dolch在二



為什麼在孩子初學英語進入閱讀階段,需要特別教sight words呢?如果孩子在閱讀單句




Sight words在孩子早期閱讀的書本中就佔了60%~85%.也就是說,在指導孩子閱讀之前,

若能先帶入sight words,英語教學的過程就會更順利。尤其是一些特別著墨於sight


國知名作家Dr.seuss大概是將sight words發揮到最淋漓盡致的一位兒童文學作家,他最

有名的一本兒童讀本The Cat in the Hat還被拍成電影《魔法靈貓》,讀本中簡單的用

詞加上有趣的故事內容,甚至連一般初學英語者,只要具備sight words能力,便能輕而



1。Meet the Letters (認識字母篇) 教授字母認知,讀音,大小寫。最近的一項為期兩

個月的對50嬰兒和學步兒童研究表明,這些孩子在每天看了此DVD後,90 %以上都完成


的是,將近70 %的孩子不到兩歲就掌握了26個字母。 孩子的學習能力讓你吃驚!

2。Meet the Numbers(認識數位篇) 通過形像的動畫吸引孩子,教授孩子數字0-10認知



3。Meet the Shapes(認識形狀篇) 教會孩子8種形狀的認知,孩子們會喜歡裏面的唱歌


4。Meet the Colors(認識顏色篇) 教會孩子各種顏色。

5。Meet the Sight Words I (常用單詞篇I)

6。Meet the Sight Words II (常用單詞篇II)

7。Meet the Sight Words III (常用單詞篇III




  • Preschool Prep Series 寶寶學前準備 系列 第七篇 Meet the Sight Words III 常用單詞篇III(完) 英語發音 英文單字導讀歡唱學習互動教學版(DVD版)(幼教)(適用任何家用DVD播放機)
  • Meet the SIGHT Words 01 英語發音 英文單字導讀歡唱學習互動教學版(DVD版)(幼教)(適用任何家用DVD播放機)
  • Meet the SIGHT Words 03 英語發音 英文單字導讀歡唱學習互動教學版(DVD版)(幼教)(適用任何家用DVD播放機)
  • Meet the SIGHT Words 02 01-06集 英語發音 英文單字導讀歡唱學習互動教學版(DVD版)(幼教)(適用任何家用DVD播放機)
  • Meet the SIGHT Words 02 英語發音 英文單字導讀歡唱學習互動教學版(DVD版)(幼教)(適用任何家用DVD播放機)
  • Meet the SIGHT Words 01 01-06集 英語發音 英文單字導讀歡唱學習互動教學版(DVD版)(幼教)(適用任何家用DVD播放機)
  • Meet the SIGHT Words 03 01-06集 英語發音 英文單字導讀歡唱學習互動教學版(DVD版)(幼教)(適用任何家用DVD播放機)

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